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Learning with Pride

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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

Letter to Parents about the 'phased reopening' of schools 13th May 2020

Earlier this week the government announced that they wanted children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return to school after 1 June, at the earliest.  We know that some parents are concerned about this so please read the letter below which explains what school is doing about these government plans. 



Dear Parents/Carers


We know that you have seen in the news that schools may reopen in the future for Nursery, Reception, Year 1, and Year 6 pupils, if the government considers it safe to do so. However, re-opening of school for these year groups is still conditional and dependent on several key factors, and will happen no earlier than 1 June 2020.  Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that the safety of all our children, staff and the wider community is paramount in all our decision making, and to share some key information regarding the government plans.


Having received guidance from the government, we have begun to create an action plan to prepare for our phased reopening and, as you can imagine, there is much to be thought about and planned for. Firstly, we need to consider the numbers of children who will return if phased reopening goes ahead. Therefore, if you have a child in Nursery, Reception, Y1 or Y6, then you will be contacted over the next few days and asked about your intentions to send your child back to school. However, there will be no pressure to send your children to school, as we recognise that you know your children and personal situation best, and that there are many factors which will influence your decision. Furthermore, due to government guidance, no family will be penalised for keeping your child at home during this period of reopening.


We understand that this is a very unsettling time for us all, but be assured that we will do everything we can to make sure that we are ready to safely receive any children who are returning. We will also keep you updated with all our preparations for making school as safe as possible, so that you can make an informed decision. To support this planning and preparation, we will be following four pieces of guidance which have been published. These include:


  • Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening
  • Initial planning framework
  • Implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings
  • Guidance for parents and carers


All our plans will be approved by the Trust before implementation, and plans will be continually updated and posted on the school website.


In the meantime, the school is still open for vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers only. We know some employers will be encouraging you to return to work, but unfortunately we are not in a position right now to extend places to other children until we receive further government guidance.












We would like to thank you for your continuous support in helping your child learn from home. We have been overwhelmed by the positive attitudes of our children and their families, and are extremely proud of you all. However, we need to keep going with this for a little while yet, so please do continue to do what you can and stay in touch regarding how your child is doing.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01226 722416 or via email


Yours sincerely



Ms Rachel Ward



