Remote Learning At Parkside Primary Academy
In this section, you will find all the information you need relating to remote learning at Parkside Primary Academy. If you require any further information about remote learning, please contact the school office either by telephone or email. Mrs Cook, Deputy Headteacher, is the named senior leader in charge of remote education at Parkside.
SEND - Information for Parents and Carers about remote learning for children with additional needs
At Parkside Primary Academy we understand that some children with Special Educational needs will face particular barriers which may make some aspects of remote learning difficult. For this reason, we have made the following adjustments to the remote learning plan:
- For those children with recognised SEND who are able to access the mainstream content of lessons, we would expect them to follow the main programme of learning set by the class teacher. However, during regular phone calls with the class teacher and SENCO we would ask that the parent/carers of these children report on how well their child is able to access the learning, so that any further adjustments can be made. It may be the case that a child will access some time in school each work as an example of an adjustment which is made. We understand that for some children with SEND there may be other factors which affect children’s social emotional and mental health which impacts on their ability to engage in learning. Therefore, resources are provided for children with strategies to support wellbeing and the ability to self-regulate in order to be able to access learning.
- For some children with SEND the class teacher will provide more bespoke learning tasks and/or differentiation of the tasks set, which are tailored to their needs. These could be in the form of games, worksheets, activities or visual resources that may be appropriate to support home learning.
- School Focused Plan have been adapted to enable parents and carers to continue working on these at home. We will regularly check on children’s progress towards meeting these targets and when required will work together with parents to set further targets.
SEND Support
This is a list of information websites, tips and resources to help you support your children with their additional needs, learning and self-esteem. Children have varying needs and there is no one size approach fits all. It is quite common for children to have additional needs that span all these areas, so select the resources that meet the needs of your child, without worrying too much about the label or category they fall under. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and these SEND strategies will be beneficial to many children, whether or not they have a diagnosis.