Our Vision And Values
'At Parkside, everybody cares'
We know it takes courage for our children to take risks in the classroom (not being afraid to make mistakes) and to have confidence in themselves as learners.
We know that all of us need goals and that our children can aspire to great things. Our children deserve to have high aspirations for themselves.
We know it takes resilience and perseverance to learn because sometimes things can be tricky or difficult. Our children have the motivation to tackle tricky problems and work hard.
We aim for excellence in everything we do; at Parkside we will not be satisfied with anything less, and believe that this is what all our children deserve.
Our values ensure that every child takes their first individual leap into education, develops their love of learning and aspires to achieve their full potential.
In Parkside’s safe and nurturing environment, we aim to instil resilience and confidence in our pupils so that they can go out into the world as brave risk takers, with the ambition and motivation to be the best that they can be.
Our core values are at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that courtesy, respect and acceptance of all, is paramount and can be seen throughout our school.
Our Vision
At Parkside Primary Academy our vision is simple, we seek to provide all our children with the education they need to become confident and articulate, independent learners and thinkers. We achieve this through excellent teaching and provide learning opportunities of the highest quality both inside and outside of the classroom. This underlines our commitment to prepare our children for the next stage in their educational journey so that they will become active, healthy and informed citizens of tomorrow.
We believe that all our children can achieve well and that everyone has an important part to play in Parkside Academy life. Our priority is to ensure that all children will meet or exceed their own expectations, both socially and academically. We aim to ensure that all our children get the best possible results, develop a passion for learning and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to success at secondary school. We believe that hard work and commitment are the keys to success.
We are proud to be part of Royston's community. Parkside is an extremely inclusive school where children from many different backgrounds learn by working together to create a culture of mutual respect and understanding. We very much value the excellent relationships we have with our parents and provide regular opportunities for them to come into school and offer their views, so that we can all work together to make our Academy even better. This is also shown through the support of parents who, every week, like to come to our reward assembly. Our children know that the traditional behaviours of courtesy, respect and discipline are important to us all and our Academy rules reflect this.
Our Academy rules were designed by children, parents and staff - at Parkside we have 5 simple rules:
We believe that these values help us all to be the best that we can be!