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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

Whole School Curriculum

Parkside Curriculum Intent and Implementation

At Parkside, our intention is that all children have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and understanding they need to be successful learners, both during their time at Primary school and in later life.  Parkside's curriculum is at the heart of all learning that takes place within our academy, therefore we believe that it is vital for children to access an enriching, broad and balanced curriculum which links intrinsically to our core values of:

  • Courage
  • Aspirations
  • Resilience
  • Excellence

Our whole school curriculum has been developed to ensure that children learn about the world around them and establish life long skills to develop them into well-rounded citizens who are able to contribute to their community.


Curriculum Implementation:

Our school curriculum is built around half termly themes which are developed for our individual pupils' needs. The themes are consistent through school so that children build on their skills every single year and teachers can plan for creative, engaging, relevant and meaningful learning experiences. Children will learn about key events which are occurring in our world at the moment and how to accept, challenge and discuss others beliefs, ideas and attitudes.  Our curriculum encompasses everything we do at Parkside to help children's learning and progress both academically and socially, inside and outside the classroom.  We also have a number of extra-curricular activities taking place before school, during lunchtimes and after school, which children can participate in.


We celebrate our achievements through displays, reward assemblies, publications on social media and provide opportunities for parents to come into school and share success with their child.  Each class also holds learning celebration events where parents are invited to come into school and spend some time learning with their child.


For further information please see our website or speak to any class teacher.
