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Learning with Pride

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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

Y3 Curriculum

Maths in Year 3

What do children learn in Year 3?

In Year 3, children cover a wide range of topics such as multiplication, measuring, and fractions. There is a major focus on addition and subtraction - children will build on their previous learning from Year 2 to be able to add and subtract larger numbers (up to 1000) using column method.

This half term, Year 3 are learning: about multiplication and division, fractions, and properties of shape

How can I help my child with maths in Year 3?

  • Encourage children to practice their maths at home - for example you could roll three dice and ask children what three-digit numbers they could make
  • Link maths in to everyday situations - for example could children to tell the time on an analogue clock when they leave for school, get home, have tea and go to bed
  • Use online games and apps to engage children in their maths. Times Tables Rockstars is lots of fun for KS2 children!
  • Follow the LKS2 twitter account. We'll post regularly to show you what we've been learning at school, so you'll be able to talk to your child about it at home.
  • The secret is practising little and often, rather than all at once. You could have a maths calculation/fact of the day or week that you focus on.