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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

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Parkside Primary Academy

Learning with Pride

Y6 Curriculum

Maths in Year 6

What do children learn in Year 6?

In Year 6, children cover a wide range of topics such as multiplication, ratio, and fractions. There is a major focus on fractions, decimals and percentages - children will learn to use each of these to show proportion and will learn to convert between them to use them in everyday situations.

This half term, Year 6 are learning: about algebra and properties of shape

How can I help my child with maths in Year 6?

  • Encourage children to practice their maths at home - for example ask them to fold paper to represent different fractions or percentages
  • Link maths in to everyday situations - for example could children convert measures in recipes when cooking?
  • Use online games and apps to engage children in their maths. Times Table Rockstars is a brilliant way for Year 6 children to keep reminding themselves of their times tables. Children also have a login for Power Maths games linked to their learning at school
  • Encourage your children to complete their homework and support them to be responsible with their CGP books. If needed, BBC bitesize has lots of resources that can help children with tricky concepts.
  • Follow the UKS2 twitter account. We'll post regularly to show you what we've been learning at school, so you'll be able to talk to your child about it at home.
  • The secret is practising little and often, rather than all at once. You could have a maths calculation/fact of the day or week that you focus on.