Being able to recall and use times table facts is a fundamental skill for a wide range of concepts in the maths curriculum – from equivalent fractions to percentages, from area to units of measure. With a strong and deepened understanding of multiplication and division facts, pupils will be in a much better position to tackle other mathematical concepts and use their knowledge for real-world applications.
At Parkside, we have a whole school approach to the teaching of times tables. Each class, from years 2-6, has a focus times table for each half term and has a minimum of three discrete times table lessons a week. These lessons focus on children’s ability to recall facts quickly and accurately; make connections between times tables (for example knowing the 4x table is double the 2x table); and recognise patterns (for example all multiples of 5 end in 5 or 0). In these sessions, classes may play games, complete paired activities or use manipulatives to deepen their understanding.
In addition, each half term children receive a times table recall booklet for daily practice. This follows Claire Christi’s approach and is something the children really enjoy – they can see themselves making progress so can celebrate their successes and build confidence (we encourage children to just get one more correct then they did the previous day). The video below gives more information, explaining how we use a consistent way of saying multiplication facts (a sound pattern) when completing these booklets to help support recall and commit facts to long term memory – similar to how the lyrics of a song can get stuck in your head.
Finally (and most excitingly for the children!), Parkside has ‘Marvellous Maths Bands’, where children are rewarded for their times table knowledge. When children demonstrate to an adult at school that they know a given times table forwards, backwards, jumbled up and with quick recall (5 seconds at most!), they’ll receive a coloured maths band during reward assembly. They can then wear this band to school and show off their fantastic work!
Because of the importance of knowing multiplication facts, the DfE introduced a multiplication tables check (MTC) for Year 4 pupils. This is completed in June using iPads and during school time. Children answer 25 multiplication questions, with 6 seconds given for each question. The children will complete this assessment either in small groups or individually.