All children will return to school on Monday 6 September 2021 and under current Government guidance (please see below) it is no longer necessary for children to be in 'bubbles'. This means that we will be able to revert back to our usual start and finish times for children. It also means that we will be able to offer Breakfast Club (F2 - Year 6), Afterschool Clubs and a return to all classes dining in the Dining Room at lunchtimes. Please ensure you check your emails regularly for updates from school regarding these arrangements.
As we go back to school, please find below an information booklet about your child’s return to school in September.
Also below is a copy of Parkside’s Home/School agreement which MUST be signed by parents/carers before your child can return to school. Open the document and press ‘click here to sign’.
Children in Years 1 to 6 will return to school on Thursday 3 September.
Children in F2 Reception class will have a transition day on either Thursday 3 or Friday 4 September; all children will then start school full time on Monday 7 September.
F1 Nursery visits have been arranged and parents notified of their child’s start day.
If you have any further queries after reading the information please contact school directly.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Ward
Head Teacher