Thursday 14th November was World Diabetes Awareness Day, this year the theme was Superheroes! At Parkside we have been thinking about Diabetes Awareness throughout the week. On Friday 15th November we held our own Diabetes Awareness Day to raise funds for this charity.
This charity is very important to us at Parkside because we have children and staff who live every day with Diabetes. We understand how important the work of Diabetes charities is for people who have to manage this condition.
Summer in Y3 has type 1 diabetes and she is Parkside's very own 'Superhero'! She spent Friday with Ms Ward, taking photos of the children who had dressed up and went to each class, talking to the children and telling her story of what having diabetes means for her. She was absolutely amazing, so articulate and impressed all the children and adults she spoke to. Summer was so fantastic, Miss Drake even gave her 5 Dojos!
Congratulations to all children and staff who took part - we managed to raise a fabulous £150 for Diabetes charities!!